Already so much fruit leading up to this event!
Thank you so much to everyone who is helping out as well as partnering with this! We believe this is not just an event but a Movement that will continue to flourish and impact many lives not just in Hamilton but spread all over!
Consider partnering with us: JesusFestival.ca ( Direct Donation Link: https://e3ministry.ca/donate/Jesus-Festival )
Also if you are a Church, Ministry, or an individual that would like to partner with the Jesus Festival, Please reach out!! We'd love to have you set up a booth/tent to celebrate what God is doing through your church or ministry, or being on their Volunteer team!
Just one of the testimonies from our last prayer walk:
Such a powerful time this morning walking around Gage Park, praying in the spirit and making declarations at each entrance to the park. Come join us EVERY Saturday 9am leading up to the Jesus Festival
We are always ready and available for any divine encounters God brings our way…
This young girl walked by and was super open to chatting. She shared about how hard life has been, with family etc, but has gotten much better. We began sharing testimony about Jesus and miracles we’ve experienced- she was SUPER open and said she definitely knows God is real!
We laid hands on her knee, and instantly the pain went down. After second prayer, all pain was gone and she was so surprised
She told us “ when my house burned down a while ago, everything was destroyed… the only thing left completely intact was a intact Bible"
Come on!!! I told her Jesus is after her heart and is pursuing her. She also shared how her parents tried to abort her, after I had just spoken Psalm 139 to her! Wow
I got her number and she wants to come out to church with us in a couple weeks. Please pray for Ash and that we would connect further and God would send more people along her path
Donate to Jesus Festival 2024: https://e3ministry.ca/donate/Jesus-Festival